An exhibition of Sculpture and print making from the artist Jamie Clements

The Fairhurst Gallery are proud to present a series of sculpture and print making that have their roots in marriage; between the artist, Jamie Clements and his wife Maxine, between the spirit and the flesh, between ideation and materiality.
Made at home over several years the portraits of the artist’s wife initially started as a way of processing conflicting thoughts and intuitions about beauty, spirituality, sexuality, the body and its relationship with the collective ideal. However, when Max developed breast cancer in 2018 whilst still nursing their newborn daughter, Clements describes how the work became ‘a buoyancy aid and coping mechanism’.
‘I was able to center myself around making these figures of her,
I found it a relief to channel the fear, grief and anxiety into the work of sculpting by focusing on the subtle details of Max’s changing body and trying to catch them forever in the careful and meditative design of a solid object.’
Below are the three sculptures that will be on display; ‘Morning Star’, ‘Winter’ and ”The Secret of the Sword’.Accopanying these will be a series of hand cut lino-prints from the artist.
Clements sculpture ‘Morning Star’ was selected for display in the 2018 Royal Academy Of The Arts Summer Exhibition 2018.
The Gallery will be open Thursday – Saturday 10am – 4pm every week of the exhibition or viewings are available by appointment.
For all enquiries please contact or call 01603 614214
Jesmonite, enamel paint, palladium and gold leaf
Jesmonite, enamel paint, palladium and gold leaf
Jesmonite, enamel paint, palladium and gold leaf
Oil based Block printing ink on Arches 88 Printmaking Paper 300gsm. 38 x 28cm
oil based Block printing ink on Arches 88 Printmaking Paper 300gsm. 38 x 28cm
Oil based Block printing ink on Arches 88 Printmaking Paper 300gsm. 38 x 28cm